A descriptive analysis of test scores posted by seven community colleges on the communication subtests of the College-Level Academic Skills Test

An analysis of the 1991 Florida CLAST essay and reading subtest data reveals that only three Florida community colleges: Lake-Sumter Community College, St. Johns River Community College, and Indian River Community College reported the highest passing rates on both the essay and reading subtests. The other twenty-five community colleges in the state reported large differences in student passing rates between the essay subtest and the reading subtest. / The researcher also examined four other community colleges within the state: Chipola Junior College, Gulf Coast Community College, North Florida Junior College, and Lake City Community College. These four institutions reported large differences in the student passing rates between the CLAST essay subtest and the reading subtest. / The purpose of this study is to ascertain possible factors which contribute to the higher passing rates reported by L-SCC, SJRCC, and IRCC. The six factors are curricula required for A.A. degree-seeking students, reading materials, exiting CLAST policies, student entrance scores, and teaching strategies and teaching styles of the English departments. / An analysis of this data reveals that two factors are related to the superior CLAST performance of the students at L-SCC, IRCC, and SJRCC--Category 2 (curricula) and Category 3 (exiting CLAST policies). / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 55-09, Section: A, page: 2695. / Major Professor: John Simmons. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Florida State University, 1994.

ContributorsCulbreth, Laurie Bonney., Florida State University
Source SetsFlorida State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format177 p.
RightsOn campus use only.
RelationDissertation Abstracts International

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