Affirmative action in terms of the Empolyment Equity Act

The term affirmative action originated in the United States some 30 years ago to describe a process of liberating minority groups. The objective of affirmative action within an organisational context, is to democratise the workplace by enabling members of previously disadvantaged groups to progress higher up the ranks of the corporate world. The affirmative action drive only took off in South Africa when it became part of the democratisation process and the focus was directed towards liberating the historically disadvantaged black majority. Prior to 1994, the reasons for implementing affirmative action programmes were largely political because of the race-based discrimination. Historically disadvantaged people were a minority in senior positions, the reason being that although the blacks were given a chance to compete with their white counterparts, due to their poor education standards and lack of experience only a few was appointed. The Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 aims to correct the demographic imbalances in the nation’s workforce by compelling employers to remove barriers to advancement of blacks, coloureds, Indians, women and disabled, and actively to advance them in all categories of employment by affirmative action. The Employment Equity Act consists of two main sections. The first replaces and refines the prohibition on unfair discrimination in item 2(1)(a) of Schedule 7 of the Labour Relations Act. The second aspect deals with imposing a duty to the employers to adopt affirmative action programmes. The Employment Equity Act places a positive obligation on all employers “to promote equal opportunity in the workplace by eliminating unfair discrimination in any employment policy or practice”. Where unfair discrimination is alleged, the onus of proving that discrimination is fair, or practice is not discriminatory at all, rests upon the employer. Disputes about unfair discrimination must be referred to the CCMA, and if not settled by conciliation, to the Labour Court, which has the power to order compensation or the payment iv of damages, or to direct the employer to take steps to prevent the same unfair discrimination or similar practice occurring in the future in respect of other employees. The second section of the Employment Equity Act deals with the imposition of the duty to designated employers to adopt affirmative action programmes. All employers with more than 50 employees, or which have annual turnovers equal to or above the annual turnovers for small businesses of their class, municipalities, organs of state, and those designated as such by collective agreement, must implement affirmative action measures for people from designated groups. This entails consulting with employers, conducting an analysis of employment policies, practices, procedures and the working environment to identify barriers, drawing up employment equity plans and reporting thereafter to the Director-General of the Department of Labour on progress made in implementing the plan. Any employee may bring alleged contraventions of the Act to the attention of the employer, another employee, or any trade union, workplace forum, labour inspector or the Director- General of the Employment Equity Commission. Labour inspectors appointed under the Basic Conditions of Employment Act may enter and inspect employer’s properties and documents, and are responsible for ensuring that the employer has consulted with employees as required, conducted the pre-equity plan analysis prepared its plan and is implementing it, submitted and published its reports, set up the necessary managerial infrastructure, and informed its employees of progress. Should employers be found not to have complied with these requirements, labour inspectors must request a written undertaking that they will do so. If an employer fails to give such an undertaking, the labour inspector can issue a compliance order setting out inter alia what steps the employer must take and when, and the maximum fine, if any, that can be imposed if the employer fails to comply. If the employer does not pay attention to the compliance order within the prescribed period, the Director-General may apply to have it made an order of the Labour Court. The Director-General may also conduct independent ad hoc reviews of selected designated employers. Failure by an employer to comply with the provision of the Act lead to the employer being liable for the contravention of the Act.
Date January 2004
CreatorsMgcodo, Yolanda Thandile
PublisherUniversity of Port Elizabeth, Faculty of Law
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis, Masters, LLM
Format62 pages, pdf
RightsNelson Mandela Metropolitan University

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