Variables influencing customers' buying behaviour in the South African clothing retail industry

It is important for business managers to understand customers’ buying behaviours, as customers are the cornerstone of the business’ marketing strategy and the main providers of businesses’ profits. Previous research have identified numerous factors that influence customers’ buying behaviour, factors such as prices, promotions, brand image, brand reputation, customer experience and socio-cultural aspects. Despite the attention given to variables influencing buying behaviour, there was still a gap to be filled in this field of study in the clothing retail industry, especially in the South African clothing retail industry. Thus, the primary objective of this study was to investigate how the understanding of customers’ brand perceptions, customer experience and social considerations can be used by clothing retailers to initiate a purchase. A literature overview was conducted on the global retail industry, the global clothing retail, as well as on the South African retail and, more specifically, the South African clothing retail. In addition, a literature overview on variables influencing buying behaviour was provided, with a special accent on the selected variables for this study, namely brand perceptions, customer experience and social considerations. From the literature overview conducted on variables, seven independent variables were selected to be investigated with the dependent variable, buying behaviour. The independent variables, namely brand perceptions (as measured by brand quality, brand reputation and brand image), customer experience (as measured by store physical environment and staff service), and lastly social considerations (as measured by reference groups and culture/subculture) and the dependent variable (buying behaviour) were then presented in a hypothesised model. An empirical investigation was undertaken to establish the influence of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The measuring instrument used for the investigation was a self-administered questionnaire using seven-point Likert type of scale. The items were constructed based on previous research instruments found in secondary literature sources. The non-probability convenience sampling was implemented in this study to identify respondents. 207 usable questionnaires were collected and were examined through statistical analyses. The validity and the reliability of the measuring instruments were confirmed by exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and the calculation of Cronbach’s alpha coefficients. Descriptive statistics were undertaken to summarise respondents’ demographic information, while Pearson’s Product Moment Correlations were calculated to determine the correlations among variables. Furthermore, the relationships between the variables were assessed through multiple regression analysis, while a t-test and ANOVA tests were conducted to determine the influence of demographic variables on independent variables that showed significant positive relationships with the dependent variable. In addition, post-hoc Scheffe tests were undertaken to elaborate on the significant differences resulting from the t-test and ANOVA tests. Significant positive relationships were found between Brand Image/Reputation and Buying Behaviour, between Store Physical Environment and Buying Behaviour and between Cultural Clothing and Buying Behaviour. The empirical results also showed that there was a significant relationship between Age and Cultural Clothing. In the same way, there was a significant relationship between Population Group and the variables Brand Image/Reputation and Cultural Clothing. This study has contributed to the body of literature on buying behaviour, especially in the field of clothing retail, by extending the factors to consider when aiming at improving buying behaviour. In addition, the development of the hypothesised model significantly contributed towards having a better understanding of customers’ perceptions of the selected variables, and ultimately how these variables could trigger their purchase decisions. As a result, this study enumerated some recommendations and suggestions that should enable retailers to create a positive image and reputation in customers’ minds, assist retailers in arranging the stores in a more attractive way for customers and reach more culture-conscious customers.
Date January 2014
CreatorsNdi, Rene Xavier Owona
PublisherNelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis, Masters, MCom
Formatxiv, 163 leaves, pdf
RightsNelson Mandela Metropolitan University

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