Enabling autism educators to identify and address challenges using participatory action research

Teachers in the field of autism education encounter multiple professional challenges in their roles as educators. Autism spectrum disorder presents with a broad range of symptoms, which places additional demands on the teacher expected to meet all the learners' needs. Insufficient teacher education and training, coupled with limited access to resources and a lack of support from the Department of Basic Education can lead to teachers feeling overwhelmed and powerless to adequately address work-related challenges. This study employed a participatory action research methodology and sought to identify challenges and develop solutions in the field of autism education. Furthermore, the goal of this study was to find ways of making use of existing resources to better meet the teachers' needs, as well as reconsidering the classroom environment in order to better meet the learners' needs. The cyclical nature of a participatory action research approach allowed the participants to renegotiate the research goals throughout the study. Data were generated through the use of open-ended group interviews, observation and written critical self-reflections. From the data, six themes emerged. First, the participants reported feeling empowered as a result of creating and sharing their personal reflections. Next, they identified the lack of support for teachers as a professional challenge. The participants also indicated that more flexible teaching strategies were required in the field of autism education. Another challenge was that teachers were uncertain of their legal rights within the field of ASD education. Poor communication between parents and teachers was identified as an important issue. Finally, it emerged that the classroom environment had a significant impact on the learners' behaviour. These findings led to the conclusion that teachers in the field of autism education should be supported and the challenges they face acknowledged and addressed by their employers as well as by the Department of Basic Education and the institutions responsible for educating and training new teachers. Finally, recommendations for possible solutions and further research were presented, based on the data generated during the study.

Date January 2015
CreatorsKok, Mandie
PublisherNelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Faculty of Education
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis, Masters, MEd
Formatxx, 156 leaves, pdf
RightsNelson Mandela Metropolitan University

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