An understanding of corporate social investment within the Kenya Pipeline Company and how it can be used to promote development

Development and all issues that pertain to it, has been a hot topic since the turn of the century. Governments have set up programs and agendas that they would like to follow to implement development in areas such as social, education, health and environment. Traditionally developing of communities has always been a government’s mandate. Corporate society established that to live in harmony with its neighbours, it was better to plough back into the community. That said it was paramount to see how the both development and CSI/R can be intertwined reasons behind this qualitative research were to establish if the Kenya Pipeline Company CSI initiatives can be used to promote development. The research methodology used was interviews, distribution of questionnaire and document review. These methods were settled on since they allowed the researcher to gain more knowledge and a greater understanding of the data collected and in it’s the natural setting. Kenya Pipeline Company’s CSI/R policy is not quite in place and development could be pegged to the ethnic group or geographical region that the Managing Director comes from. Stakeholders do not quite contribute and are seldom involved in the decision making process. The first benefactors are the communities that fall by the way- leave of the pipeline moving out. A conclusive policy document needs to be put in place to curb the powers given to a single individual and to be able to involve the various stakeholders so as to ensure sustainable development initiatives.
Date January 2012
CreatorsMulindi, Belinda Ong'asia
PublisherNelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis, Masters, MA
Formatvii, 52 leaves, pdf
RightsNelson Mandela Metropolitan University

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