Beneficiary perceptions of a low income housing scheme: Mdantsane township

The aim of this study was to investigate the socio-economic perceptions of the beneficiaries of the low income housing scheme in Unit P, of Mdantsane Township, under Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were utilised in this study. For instance, questionnaires on the perceptions were administered amongst twenty (20) beneficiaries of this low housing scheme. Semi structured interviews were conducted amongst five (5) respondents who participated in the survey design. The study found that the intervention of providing poor people with houses was not appropriately done as these houses are too small and therefore fail to consider the families of the beneficiaries although the South African government seems to have succeeded to some extent in providing low income housing for the unemployed and those that belong to the low income category. The study also found that the location of Unit P poses a threat because it is located away from all the amenities compelling the beneficiaries to travel more than 5km to the amenities and essential services. The study therefore recommends that the government employs competent contractors that would do a proper job. State officials, tasked with overseeing the various state funded housing projects, have to ascertain the success of these projects by making sure that the contractors do not lack skills such as the ability to facilitate projects of a high magnitude as that could lead to flawed projects. They should be constantly monitored and post evaluated. This will help to minimize the wasting of state resources.
Date January 2015
CreatorsBandile, Unathi Cordelia
PublisherNelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis, Masters, MA
Formatxi, 70 leaves, pdf
RightsNelson Mandela Metropolitan University

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