An investigation into the persistence of traditional teaching methods in grade 9 mathematics classrooms in Rundu : a case study

I embarked upon this study to investigate mathematics teachers' practices that have led to the persistence of traditional teaching methods in grade 9 mathematics classrooms in Rundu. The study was conducted from a learner-centred (L-C) perspective or reform approach in the Namibian context. It is a qualitative study oriented in the interpretive paradigm- a paradigm that seeks to understand the meanings attached to human actions. The participants involved in this study were purposively selected and they are composed of two mathematics teachers and their grade 9 learners. This study was conducted at two schools in Rundu. One is an urban school while the other one is a rural school on the outskirts of Rundu. The research tools employed in this study are questionnaires, interviews and observations. The questionnaires were used to identify and select my participants while the observations were used to investigate the participants teaching strategies. The purpose of the interviews was mainly to investigate teachers' understanding, interpretation and implementation of learner-centre education (LCE). Amongst other findings, this study reveals that inadequate teacher-training, controversial educational policies and challenges such as overcrowdedness in mathematics classrooms, lack of teaching and learning materials, lack of cooperation among mathematics teachers and learners' negative attitude towards mathematics are some of the contributing factors to the persistence of traditional teaching methods in mathematics classrooms. Moreover, the study reveals that the persistence of traditional teaching methods in mathematics classes can no longer be attributed to the lack of understanding of LCE. The teachers in this study seem to be well acquainted with the theoretical aspect of the LCE framework while the implementation aspect seems to be a concern.
Date January 2009
CreatorsAusiku, Charity M
PublisherRhodes University, Faculty of Education, Education
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis, Masters, MEd
Format118 leaves, pdf
RightsAusiku, Charity M.

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