A distributed Linda server on a network of heterogeneous processors

Linda is an approach to parallelism which relies on a virtual associative shared memory called tuple space. Tuple space is accessed through a small set of primitive operations and is conceptually easy to understand and manipulate. The physical implementation of a Linda tuple space may of course be completely different from the conceptual model. Rhodes has implemented versions of Linda on a ring of RS-232 joined PC's and on a cluster of T800 transputers with a single copy of tuple space on one transputer. Current research targets the implementation of a distributed Linda server on a network of heterogeneous processors. This work describes the design and implementation of a distributed Linda server. Emphasis is placed on aspects of the design which enhance portability and efficiency.

Date January 1993
CreatorsSmith, Graham Leslie
PublisherRhodes University, Faculty of Science, Computer Science
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis, Masters, MSc
Format81 p., pdf
RightsSmith, Graham Leslie

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