Thesis (M.Mus) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy. (entire content of poor quality) / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The foundation for this study is the belief that music is an essential part of human existence and
thus of education. It not only addresses individual and communal human needs but the
multicultural nature thereof gives it special significance for education in the ''New South-Africa".
This significance lies in the value of music in its own right (intra disciplinary) as well as the use
of music for its intrinsic qualities to facilitate the teaching of all other fields of knowledge
Recent research and new thinking in the fields of intelligence and learning support this belief.
The old one-dimensional approach to intelligence is no longer tenable and has been supplanted
by the acknowledgement that human intelligence is multi-faceted. Musical ability is now
recognized as a separate intelligence while the use of music is regarded as being an important
factor in the development and functioning of the human thought process. Research on the role
played by emotions and morality as well as that on the characteristics of genius, optimal
experiences and the implications of the functioning of the brain, are all explored with reference
to what this means for music education (and using music in education) in this country today.
The new Curriculum 2005 at present being introduced into South-Africa is an example of
Outcomes-based Education. The way in which the Arts and Culture Learning Area of Curriculum
2005 approaches music education corresponds with the interdisciplinary and intra disciplinary
distinction. These aspects are discussed and material is included for use in order to realise the
expressed and desired outcomes for music education in the Foundation Phase. Elliott's
alternative approach (music-as-practicum), instead of Reimer's traditional music curriculum
making, is used as point of departure. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die oortuiging dat musiek 'n essensiële deel van die menslike bestaan en dus van opvoeding is,
lê ten grondslag van hierdie studie. Nie alleen spreek dit individuele sowel as gemeenskaplike
menslike behoeftes aan nie, maar die multikulturele aard daarvan maak dit van groot belang vir
opvoeding in die "Nuwe Suid-Afrika". Die belang is daarin geleë dat opvoeding in musiek op
sigself waarde het (intradissiplinêr), maar ook leer in alle ander vakgebiede kan fasiliteer
Onlangse navorsing ten opsigte van intelligensie en opvoeding staaf hierdie siening. Die vroeëre
een-dimensionele siening van menslike intelligensie is nie meer houdbaar nie en is vervang deur
die erkenning dat intelligensie vele fasette het. Musikale vermoëns word tans as 'n outonome
intelligensie beskou, terwyl die groot invloed van musiek op die ontwikkeling en funksionering
van die menslike denkpatrone erken word. Navorsing oor die rol van die emosies, moraliteit,
die kenmerke van die genie, optimale ondervindinge en die funksionering van die brein, word
ondersoek met verwysing veral na die belang daarvan vir musiekopvoeding (en die gebruik van
musiek in opvoeding) tans in Suid-Afrika.
Die nuwe Kurrikulum 2005 wat tans in Suid-Afrika ingevoer word, is 'n voorbeeld van Uitkomsgebaseerde
Onderwys. Die benadering van die Kuns en Kultuur Leerarea in die Kurrikulum 2005
tot musiekopvoeding stem ooreen met die inter- en intradissiplinêre verdeling. Hierdie aspekte
word bespreek en materiaal word ingesluit vir gebruik by die nastreef van die uitdruklike en
wenslike uitkomstes vir musiekopvoeding in die Grondslagfase. Elliott se alternatiewe
benadering tot kurrikulering vir musiek (musiek-as-practicum), in teenstelling met Reimer se
tradisionele MEAE model, word as uitgangspunt gebruik.
Identifer | |
Date | 03 1900 |
Creators | Van Dyk, Stephne |
Contributors | University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Music. |
Publisher | Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University |
Source Sets | South African National ETD Portal |
Language | en_ZA |
Detected Language | English |
Type | Thesis |
Format | 407 pages |
Rights | Stellenbosch University |
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