Event structure in Zulu

Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study deals with three interrelated types of information about sentences in Zulu,
i.e. situation aspect or events, viewpoint aspect which includes i.a. the perfective and
imperfective aspect and the contribution of the temporal location of a sentence focusing
on the basic tenses. The semantic feature of temporal location has been integrated
with the view of the two components in sentences i.e. aspectual situation type and
viewpoint. Vendier's classification of aspectual classes formed a base from which the
Zulu event structure has been discussed. The contribution of the two theories, i.e. the
Two Component theory of Smith (1997) and the Event Structure of Pustejovsky (1995)
which is situated within the Generative Lexicon theory of lexical semantics featured
prominently in the analysis of events and states in Zulu. A conclusion has been reached
that there are four situation types relevant to Zulu and distinguished from each other by
different temporal features. These situation types feature basic-level and derived-level
types (according to Smith (1997)).
Three event types have been identified for Zulu, i.e. state, process and transition
(according to Pustejovsky (1995)). Events are complex semantic objects resulting in
an extended event structure. Event structure classification for Zulu is established with
structured sub-event. These event structures are defined with respect to three
different types of ordering relation between sub-event, i.e. temporally ordered subevents,
simultaneous sub-event and temporal overlap. The event structure has been
distinguished through event headedness which give rise to twelve possible
The basic principles and the temporal structures underlying the Zulu tenses are viewed
in relation to the moment of speech, time of the situation and the reference time in the structure of tenses as shown in the viewpoint of Reichenbach developed by Hornstein
(1990). The role played by adverbs as modifiers of tense is highlighted. The behavior
of bounded and unbounded sentences in relation to tense is mentioned.
Regarding the expression of aspect in Zulu, a clear distinction has been established
between perfective and imperfective in Zulu. The aspect appears as an inflectional
category within syntax. These categories may have a maximal projection according to
the X-bar theory. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie gee aandag aan drie onderling verbonde tipes inligting oor sinne in. Zulu,
d.i. die situasie-aspek of die gebeure, gesigspunt-aspek wat, onder andere, die
perfektiewe en imperfektiewe aspek insluit en die bydrae van die temporele lokasie van
'n sin, met die fokus op die basiese tye. Die semantiese verskynsel van temporele
lokasie is geintegreer met die aanname van die twee komponente in sinne, d.i.
aspektueie situasie tipe, en die gesigspunt. Vendier se klassifikasie van aspektueie
klasse het die basis gevorm waarvan daan die Zulu gebeure struktuur bespreek is. Die
bydrae van die twee teorië, d.i. die Twee Komponent teorie van Smith (1997) en die
gebeurde struktuur van Pustejovsky (1995) wat binne die Generatiewe Leksikon teorie
van leksikale semantiek geleis, is in die analise van gebeure en toestand gebruik. Daar
is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat daar vier situasietipes relevant tot Zulu is, en daar
word tussen hulle deur middel van temporele verskynsels onderskei. Hierdie
situasietipes beeld die basiese-vlak en die afgeleide-vlak tipes uit (volgens Smith
Drie tipes gebeure is vir Zulu geidentifiseer, d.i. toestand, proses, en oorgang (volgens
Pustejovsky (1995)). Gebeure is kompleks semantiese voorwerpe wat tot uitgebreide
gebeurde struktuur lei. Die gebeurde-struktuur se klassifikasie in Zulu is met
gestruktureerde sub-gebeure gevestig. Hierdie gebeure-strukture is met betrekking tot
drie verskillende tipes van verhouding ordening tusen sub-gebeure omskryf, d.i.
temporeel geordende sub-gebeure, gelyktydige sub-gebeure en temporele oorslag. Die
gebeure-struktuur is deur kemgebeure onderskei, wat aanleiding tot twaalf moontlike
konstruksies gee.
Die basiese beginsels en die temporele strukture onderliggend aan die Zulu tye word
met betrekking tot die spraakmoment, tyd van die situasie, en die verwysingstyd in die struktuur van tye soos in Reichenbach se gesigspunt wat deur Hornstein (1990)
ontwikkel, is, beskou. Die rol wat bywoorde as modifiseerders van tye speel, word na
vore gebring. Die gedrag van gebonde en ongebonde sinne in verband met tyd word
Betreffende die uitdrukking van aspek in Zulu is 'n besondere onderskeiding tussen die
perfektief en imperfektief in Zulu gevestig. Die aspek kom as 'n infleksionêre kategorie
binne sintaksis voor. Hierdie kategorie mag 'n maksimale projeksie volgens die x-bar
teorie hê.

Date03 1900
CreatorsSithole, Nomsa Veronica
ContributorsVisser, M. W., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of African Languages.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format290 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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