Decision support for threat detection in maritime surveillance

Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The policing and monitoring of South Africa's coastline and economic exclusion zone is made
di cult not only by the size of the area of interest, but also by the limited resources available for
maritime detection and policing. As a consequence, illegal activities, such as smuggling, poaching
and illegal border crossings, are often conducted with impunity. Conventional approaches to
monitoring coastal areas, such as the use of patrol boats, port inspections and aircraft surveillance,
may be augmented by advances in technology that are steadily contributing vast amounts
of data related to maritime activity. For example, various South African agencies collect auto-
matic identi cation system and vessel monitoring system transmissions, and gather additional
kinematic data of maritime vessels through a number of strategically placed coastal radars.
A command and control centre for actively monitoring these data (outside of the intelligence
community) was established by the South African Navy in 2014.
Such centres provide surveillance operators with a real-time picture of a maritime region of
interest from which they can identify relevant facts of interest through a reliance on experience
and domain knowledge. The e ectiveness of this process may, however, be undermined by the
vast quantities of data typically under consideration, by the di culty of identifying long-term
trends in vessel kinematic behaviour and by the possibility of operator fatigue brought on by
the relatively low incidence levels of activities of interest.
E ective decision support tools may play a valuable role in this context by the automatic processing
of these vast collections of data, by the identi cation of concepts of interest and by the
prediction of future occurrences of interest. It is, however, essential that such tools should be

exible enough to adapt to changes in typical vessel behaviour over time and that they should
be capable of integrating new trends and new types of behaviours.
Various approaches to maritime surveillance are investigated in this dissertation from the perspectives
of threat detection and anomaly identi cation, with particular emphasis on a systems
approach to decision support. A decision support system framework that utilises rule-based and
data-driven mechanisms is proposed as a means to separate the interesting from the uninteresting
and to provide early warnings of potentially threatening maritime vessel behaviour to
operators. This system framework is primarily concerned with kinematic data and is restricted
to the identi cation of certain types of activities. Successful classi cation and, ultimately, timely
prediction of potentially threatening behaviour would allow for e ective policing by providing
early warning to relevant entities, thus potentially leading to more e ective use of available
policing resources. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die patrollering en monitering van die Suid-Afrikaanse kusgebied en gepaardgaande ekonomiese
eksklusiewe zone word bemoeilik deur die grootte van die tersprake area en die beperkte hulpbronne
wat vir patrollie-doeleindes aangewend kan word. Gevolglik gaan onwettige aktiwiteite,
soos smokkelary, stroping en onwettige immigrasie dikwels ongestraf. Konvensionele benaderings
tot die monitering van kusgebiede, soos die aanwending van patrolliebote, die uitvoer
van hawe-inspeksies en gere elde lugpatrollies, kan aangevul word deur tegnologiese vooruitgang
wat voortdurend tot groot hoeveelhede data oor maritieme aktiwiteit bydra. Verskeie Suid-
Afrikaanse agentskappe ontvang byvoorbeeld outomatiese identi kasiestelsel en vaartuigmoni-
teringstelsel uitsendings, en samel ook addisionele kinematiese data oor maritieme vaartuie deur
middel van strategies-geplaasde kusradars in. 'n Bevel-en-beheersentrum wat hierdie inligting
(buite die intelligensiegemeenskap) aktief ontleed, is in 2014 deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot tot
stand gebring.
Sulke sentra verskaf 'n intydse blik oor die maritieme gebied onder beskouing aan operateurs
wat dan, gebaseer op hulle ervaring en omgewingskennis, relevante inligting oor vaartuie kan
ei. Die doeltre ende uitvoering van hierdie proses kan egter ondermyn word deur die tipiese
groot hoeveelhede data, die moeilikheidsgraad van die identi kasie van langtermyn tendense in
die kinematiese gedrag van vaartuie om die kus en die moontlikheid van operateur-uitputting
as gevolg van lang periodes van relatiewe oninteressante vaartuiggedrag.
Doeltre ende besluitsteunhulpmiddels kan 'n waardevolle bydrae in hierdie konteks maak deur
die ge-outomatiseerde prosessering van hierdie groot hoeveelhede data, die identi kasie van
interessante vaartuiggedrag en die voorspelling van toekomstige relevante insidente. Dit is egter
noodsaaklik dat sulke hulpmiddels buigsaam genoeg moet wees om te kan aanpas by veranderings
in tipiese maritieme aktiwiteit oor tyd en dat nuwe tendense en tipes aktiwiteite geakkommodeer
kan word.
Verskeie benaderings tot maritieme oorsig word in hierdie proefskrif vanuit die perspektiewe van
die bespeuring van bedreigings en die opsporing van vreemde verskynsels ondersoek, met 'n spesi
eke fokus op 'n stelselbenadering tot besluitsteun. 'n Besluitsteun stelselraamwerk wat berus
op re el-gebaseerde en data-aangedrewe meganismes word as 'n hulpmiddel voorgestel waarmee
interessante maritieme gedrag van oninteressante gedrag onderskei kan word om sodoende 'n
vroe e waarskuwing aan operateurs met betrekking tot moontlike bedreigende maritieme aktiwiteite
te kan rig. Die werking van hierdie stelselraamwerk berus hoofsaaklik op die gebruik van
kinematiese vaartuigdata en is beperk tot die naspeuring van sekere soorte bedreigende gedrag.
Die suksesvolle klassi kasie en tydige voorspelling van potensi ele bedreigende maritieme gedrag
behoort doeltre ende kusmonitering en verbeterde aanwending van die beperkte, gepaardgaande
hulpbronne deur relevante kusagentskappe moontlik te maak.
Date12 1900
CreatorsDu Toit, Jacques
ContributorsVan Vuuren, Jan Harm, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Logistics.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format155 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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