Design of a novel adsorption process for recovering PGMs from leach solutions.

D. Tech. Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering. / Aims to develop a continuous process model for extracting platinum from a mixed chloride solution selectively and to establish the conditions under which the platinum content in the feed solution could be upgraded hundred times. The continuous adsorption test will be carried out by using an ideal batch reactor and a packed bed column. The mass transfer characteristics associated with these two process units will be studied and compared along whether other parameters such as adsorption rate constants, selectivity and metal upgrade capability.Comprehensive data will be generated beginning with multicomponent adsorption test results (isotherm ) diffusivities and thermodynamic properties (enthalpy of adsorption)
Date January 2008
CreatorsMbaya, Richard Kady Kadiambuji.
ContributorsKasaini, H. (Henry)
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Rights©2008 Tshwane University of Technology

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