The effectiveness of implementing on e-government services at the State Information Technology Agency.

M. Tech. Business Administration / It has been noted that in developing countries, including South Africa, many projects on e-Government implementation have failed, while others have added very little value to the everyday lives of the citizenry. Broad reasons for the partial success or failure are related, inter alia, to people, policy, process or infrastructure. According to the management report of 2010 SITA (PTY) Ltd, there are many factors affecting the implementation of e-Government services. In terms of governance, there is a lack of both vision and consultation. In addition, there no is centralised budget for e-Government projects. The other challenge faced by SITA is that of skills inefficiency, as well as lack of technological upgrading that affects e-Government. In terms of process, employees are working in silos; there is no collaboration, and e-Government is a non-integrated service delivery process. The research purpose can be stated into the following objective: To identify governance, technology and financial factors that affect effective implementation of e-Government services at SITA (PTY) Ltd.
Date January 2014
CreatorsLokwe, Lubabalo.
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsTshwane University of Technology

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