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Laparoscopy and loop colostomy : a new approach to extra-peritoneal rectal injuries

Includes bibliographical references. / Distal rectal washout and presacral drainage appear to have little or no influence on the morbidity and mortality in patients with low-energy trauma to the rectum. The ever-increasing popularity and obvious advantages of minimal access surgery have prompted surgeons to apply its use to a variety of surgical diseases, including trauma-related conditions. This study retrospectively reviews and examines the safety and efficacy of laparoscopy and the formation of a diverting sigmoid loop colostomy through an abdominal wall trephine, in a limited number of carefully selected patients with isolated extra-peritoneal rectal injuries. The patient is thus spared a major laparotomy wound. The value of distal rectal washout and presacral drainage in such injuries is also examined.
Date January 2003
CreatorsNavsaria, Pradeep H
ContributorsKahn, Delawir
PublisherUniversity of Cape Town, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Surgery
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeMaster Thesis, Masters, MMed

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