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Resource partitioning in buds and insect induced galls in the biocontrol of Acacia pycnantha

Two Trichilogaster sp. (gall-forming wasps) have been introduced against Acacia longifolia and Acacia pycnantha in the Cape. Trichilogaster acaciaelongifoliae has reduced both seed production (by between 85 and 100% in the Cape) and vegetative growth in Acacia longifolia. The aim of this project was to determine whether the galls and buds of Acacia pycnantha have significantly different energy values, and to determine what affect this has on the plant. There was no significant difference between gall and bud energy values (p=0.029, df-=7, alpha=0.05) but gall energy values were, on average, 9.35% lower than those of bud material. The mass of galls increased steadily throughout the year while bud material remains at the same weight. The resource loss to the plant caused by the galls is dependent on the size and number of galls present on the tree. Even with similar energy values per unit dry mass there were many more grams of gall material on a tree than bud material and thus they would demand more resources to be invested in the gall material. An important factor concerning the effect galling has on A. pycnantha is the time during the trees reproductive cycle that galling occurs. It has been shown that when galling coincides with the season when the most energy is channelled into reproduction that the damage to the tree is heaviest.
Date10 March 2017
CreatorsMaguire, Victoria
ContributorsHoffmann, John H
PublisherUniversity of Cape Town, Faculty of Science, Department of Biological Sciences
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeBachelor Thesis, Honours, BSc (Hons)

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