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A 12 week pre-season fitnes training programme for senior male high school rugby players : the effect of supervision on anthropometric, physiological and physical performance variables

The study comprises of two sections; i) a survey to determine the attitude towards fitness training for rugby and the current fitness training habits of elite high school rugby players in their penultimate year at school, ii) a training study on a sample of the same population group, to measure the effect of a 12 week fitness training programme, based on scientific principles, on anthropometric, physiological and performance variables. The training study also measured the efficacy of training supervision compared no supervision on these variables.
Date January 1998
CreatorsClark, David Rodney
ContributorsLambert, Michael I
PublisherUniversity of Cape Town, Faculty of Health Sciences, MRC/UCT RU for Exercise and Sport Medicine
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeMaster Thesis, Masters, MSc (Med)

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