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The Future of Trade Unions in the Changing World of Work

The world of work is experiencing rapid changes brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and Globalization. The membership of trade union also seems to be on declining.The aim of this dissertation is to determine changes in the world of work as and it, furthermore, considers the impact of these processes on trade unions. The dissertation looks at the current status of work and of trade unions especially in South Africa. It considers the legislation regulating labour relations and other international labour instruments. The dissertation will also attempts to examine whether labour relations lawcan serve the interests of unions and all workers in the new world of work. The dissertation concludes that there is still a future for trade unions in the 4IR. However, there are changes that need to be considered in the way in which they organise and run their affairs.The dissertation concludes with a brief discussion on the various ways unions could re-organise in order to remain relevant.
Date21 February 2019
CreatorsLesia,Tsepang Maretsepile
ContributorsSinglee, Sufinnah
PublisherUniversity of Cape Town, Faculty of Law, Institute of Development and Labour Law
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeMaster Thesis, Masters, Mphil

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