A Mobile social networking framework to create a virtual community of practice in aid of rural small , medium and macro-sized enterprise support and development

Rural community media are identified as a critical component of the rural community communication process. These SMMEs are however struggling to achieve sustainability and operate effectively due to the various challenges and constraints impacting them. This study seeks to address this by developing a Rural Community Media Mobile Social Networking Framework that will create a virtual community of practice for the purposes of support of rural entrepreneurs in small, medium and macro enterprises (SMMES) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The author has specifically scoped this research to focus on Rural Community Media as a specialised subsegment of entrepreneurs operating in rural areas. The reasons for this decision were in part due to the effect and impact of community media on socio-economic development due to the role they play in enabling access to information and knowledge and giving a voice to poor and isolated communities The study proposes that provision of access to relevant information and knowledge via a mobile social networking framework would assist in cutting implementation costs through utilisation of a platform that is already there (known as rural community media). This study is scoped to focus specifically on rural community media with fieldwork conducted in the province of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. In summary the Research Methodology applied is as follows: - Research Philosophy: The interpretive research philosophy was chosen for this study - Research Design: This study will apply qualitative design - Research Approach: The case study approach will be used in the study - Data Collection Techniques: Source data will be comprised of primary and secondary data. Primary data will be collected through implementation of a questionnaire and expert reviews, while the secondary data will be collected through literature review. Hermeneutics will be used as the data collection technique in this study. - Data analysis: Cross-case data analysis will be applied Key findings included that rural community media already utilise mobile technology and social media/networking to conduct business. Rural community media required access to information and knowledge pertaining to internal business process, funding, governance, training and access to skilled resources. Mobile social networking is identified as a suitable vehicle for delivery. A Rural Community Media Social Networking Framework was developed as a result of this study. Framework elements were supported, and in some cases modified, by case study findings and expert review feedback.

Date January 2016
CreatorsMuwunga-Zake, Oliva Jullian
PublisherUniversity of Fort Hare, Faculty of Management and Commerce
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis, Doctoral, Degree
Format260 leaves, pdf
RightsUniversity of Fort Hare

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