Deelnemende besluitneming in skoolbestuur

M.Ed. (Educational Management) / Whether we are setting goals, achieving them or coping with the issues which arise in organizing and carrying out day-to-day activities, depends on our ability to make and implement decisions. The decision-making process in the school organization therefore depends solely upon the knowledge the principal has of this process. Knowledge of the decision-making process should enable the principal to sharpen and improve his decision-making skills. To accomplish both the making and implementing of decisions in the school organization consistently well, is no meanĀ·tasks. In striving to determine the importance of decision-making in the school organization the main objective in. this study is to examine and describe, that the implementation of decision-making without wider involvement by the teachers could severely jeopardize the effectiveness of the decision making process. In addition to the above-mentioned objective, the question on how to make the decision-making process workable in order to eventually achieve the organizational objectives, is thoroughly investigated in chapter two. This stresses again the need to realize that the effectiveness of a principal in a school is directly related to the quality of the decisions being made. Thus a principal can be viewed as a specialist in the field of decision-making. Decision-making, then becomes synonymous with managing the school organization. As mentioned above the entire decision-making process, including the steps required to reach a sound decision and the factors influencing the decision-making process, all contribute to making wider involvement in the decision-making process worthwhile.
Date31 July 2014
CreatorsMoffat, Andrew
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsUniversity of Johannesburg

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