The need to sensitize primary schools teachers to the effect of mother tongue interference

M.Comm. / This dissertation explores the effects of mother tongue interference during the process of the acquisition of English as a second language. The Contrastive Analysis and Error Analysis hypotheses are presented and the concepts of interlanguage explored. The limitations and strengths of Contrastive and Error Analysis hypotheses are highlighted. Research on errors that are caused by mother tongue interference is reviewed. A sample of error analysis in the written work of English second language learners at primary school level is undertaken. Errors resulting from mother tongue interference are identified at lexical, semantic, phonological and syntactical level. Various methods and approaches in the teaching of English are identified in accordance with their relevance to outcomes based education. An Eclectic Solution is suggested to facilitate remedial intervention. The Input Hypothesis validity is explored and related to the communicative approach. Examples of lesson material to address some of the issues are included to assist educators.
Date06 December 2011
CreatorsTurner, Norma Estelle
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish

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