'n Model vir die bemagtiging van die verpleegonderwysstudent as reflektiewe leerbegeleier in die verpleegonderwys

M.Cur. / The purpose of this research is to describe a model as framework for the nursing lecturer to utilize in the empowerment of the nursing education student as a reflective learning accompanist in nursing education. Because of the rapid changing political situation in the Republic of South Africa, unprecedented changes are occurring in education and health services. A greater degree of multi-cultural student numbers is experienced in classrooms at tertiary education institutions. Because of the increased accessibility to health services, these specific services are overcrowded by clients/patients. The overcrowding results in a shortage of trained nursing staff. More nursing students register at tertiary institutions, leading to a greater need for nursing education lecturers. These two aspects were identified as the most important causes of this specific research study in nursing education. It is assumed that the nursing lecturer, as reflective learning accompanist, empowers nursing education students to facilitate reflective thinking in their nursing students, by means of reflective learning accompaniment. This serves to improve nursing education, as well as the maintenance and improvement of nursing within a context of an increased need for health services. By means of more efficient education in the development of nursing education students, as reflective learning accompanists in nursing education, the increased demand for more comprehensive and more efficient health care services is addressed. In order to facilitate reflective thinking, the nursing lecturer must empower the developing nursing education student by means of reflective learning accompaniment in order to facilitate reflective thinking.

Date30 August 2012
CreatorsKotzé, Tersia
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish

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