Strategic plan for the reconstruction of nursing education within a primary health care approach

M.Cur. / The entire country is currently in a process of reconstruction that inevitably lead to reconstruction within the health care system. The ANC (African National Congress) formulated a National Health Plan based on primary health care that is a practical expression of providing an effective and equitable health care to all inhabitants of the country. Recognising the need for transformation, a process was initiated by the African National Congress (ANC) to develop an overall National Health Plan based on the Primary Health Care approach (ANC, 1994: 7) . In the light of these present needs, the vision is to develop a strategy to empower our professional nurses that can effectively implement primary health care whilst operating within the limitations of the existing resources (Human Resource Committee for Health, 1994:5). The context of the study is applicable to the Northern Region of the North West Province. There are various courses available to empower professional nurses to primary health care, but for the purpose of the study is the Diploma Course in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and Care described
Date15 August 2012
CreatorsBezuidenhout, Lynette
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish

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