Prejudice reduction in multicultural mathematics education

M.Ed. / Prejudice reduction is regarded as a deliberate and systematic process which aims at reorienting the values, attitudes, actions and behaviour of individuals or groups in such a way that prejudice and discrimination are reduced or totally combatted. Prejudice and its correlates (sexism, racism, credism and classism), as well as stereotypes, have tremendously affected the effectiveness of multicultural education, including mathematics. Unless society realises and accepts prejudice as a major explicator of the problems of the majority of South Africa, and also understandsthe pre-history of systematic oppression and discrimination, progress in adopting a coherent and effective approach to prejudice reduction in multicultural mathematics education and the broader society, would likely prove to be illusive. This implies that the racial and cultural discourse of a number of multicultural schools are not simply a reflection of personal prejudice though it may indeed be that. More importantly, prejudice may be understood as an expression of certain discursive patterns which significance goes beyond individuals into a broader set of practice. Prejudice as an inherent phenomenon, greatly affected pupils' achievement in mathematics, and has caused great concern consequently, it prompted and generated the eargeness to investigate prejudice reduction in multicultural mathematics education. Prejudice reduction in multicultural mathematics education is worth exploring, because South Africa is presently experiencing an educational crisis. During this critical period of transformation, educationists should pay special attention to ways in which the racial and cultural inequities, generated through apartheid policies, can be redressed. Attempts are presently been made by various organisations, the government curriculum designers and academics to establish an educational system that would satisfy the multicultural societies of South Africa. Mathematics as part of the broadereurriculumhas a pivotal role to play in this educational dispensation. It is therefore unequivocal that the teaching and learning of multicultural mathematics education, as one of the compulsory subjects in primary school education, should be investigated thoroughly because it serves as a key source of scientific and technological development. Mathematics is also frequently regarded as an important indicator of pupils' scholastic or academic ability. Therefore a growing number of South African schools is faced with the challenge of implementing curriculum changes in mathematics. In accomplishing the objectives of this study, semi-structured interviews with a number of key people were conducted. School observation as well as opinion from other relevant resources formed part of the research process. The research began with qualitative procedures assuming that interviewees could contribute to the creative shaping of multicultural mathematics education. It is important to mention that the qualitative method in this turned out to be empiricist in its explanation in some cases. Interviews covered issues of social relations, racial, ethnic and cultural mixing, parental background and involvement in education and multicultural mathematics methodology.
Date10 September 2012
CreatorsNkotoe, Tidimalo Catherine
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish

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