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The perception of abstract symbolism and its effect on political architecture : towards a Pan African Parliament in Durban.

The focus of this research is in the area of political architecture and the way it has
been affected by the way people perceive architectural symbols that represent
abstract political agendas and ideologies. Such a study is important in order to create
political buildings that respond better to their region and the society present there.
The research approach adopted in this dissertation includes an extensive study of
relevant literature and the implementation of practical research through case studies
of the Apartheid Museum and Constitutional Court, using semi-structured interviews
with key figures and standard questionnaires to the general public visiting the
buildings. The findings from this research provide evidence that people’s perception
of abstract symbolism represented architecturally is affected by their age, familiarity
with architecture and level of education. Furthermore, it was found that political
architecture should embody the true nature of its region and the society, while still
representing the political agenda of the present power. The main conclusion being
that the abstract political message becomes positively interpreted and adopted by the
society, and the building becomes the physical symbol of that abstract political intent.
This dissertation argues for a political architecture that symbolises the diverse
identities of all South Africans so that the architecture can, through its symbolism,
bring about positive social change.
Date12 September 2014
CreatorsMtshali, Daluxolo.
ContributorsOgunsanya, Lawrence Babatunde.
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish

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