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Super-orthogonal space-time turbo codes in Rayleigh fading channels.

The vision of anytime, anywhere communications coupled by the rapid growth of

wireless subscribers and increased volumes of internet users, suggests that the

widespread demand for always-on access data, is sure to be a major driver for the

wireless industry in the years to come. Among many cutting edge wireless

technologies, a new class of transmission techniques, known as Multiple-Input

Multiple-Output (MIMO) techniques, has emerged as an important technology

leading to promising link capacity gains of several fold increase in data rates and

spectral efficiency. While the use of MIMO techniques in the third generation (3G)

standards is minimal, it is anticipated that these technologies will play an important

role in the physical layer of fixed and fourth generation (4G) wireless systems.

Concatenated codes, a class of forward error correction codes, of which Turbo codes

are a classical example, have been shown to achieve reliable performance which

approach the Shannon limit. An effective and practical way to approach the capacity

of MIMO wireless channels is to employ space-time coding (STC). Space-Time

coding is based on introducing joint correlation in transmitted signals in both the

space and time domains. Space-Time Trellis Codes (STTCs) have been shown to

provide the best trade-off in terms of coding gain advantage, improved data rates and

computational complexity.

Super-Orthogonal Space-Time Trellis Coding (SOSTTC) is the recently proposed

form of space-time trellis coding which outperforms its predecessor. The code has a

systematic design method to maximize the coding gain for a given rate, constellation

size, and number of states. Simulation and analytical results are provided to justify the

improved performance. The main focus of this dissertation is on STTCs, SOSTTCs

and their concatenated versions in quasi-static and rapid Rayleigh fading channels.

Turbo codes and space-time codes have made significant impact in terms of the

theory and practice by closing the gap on the Shannon limit and the large capacity gains provided by the MIMO channel, respectively. However, a convincing solution

to exploit the capabilities provided by a MIMO channel would be to build the turbo

processing principle into the design of MIMO architectures. The field of concatenated

STTCs has already received much attention and has shown improved performance

over conventional STTCs. Recently simple and double concatenated STTCs

structures have shown to provide a further improvement performance. Motivated by

this fact, two concatenated SOSTTC structures are proposed called Super-orthogonal

space-time turbo codes. The performance of these new concatenated SOSTTC is

compared with that of concatenated STTCs and conventional SOSTTCs with

simulations in Rayleigh fading channels. It is seen that the SOST-CC system

outperforms the ST-CC system in rapid fading channels, whereas it maintains

performance similar to that in quasi-static. The SOST-SC system has improved

performance for larger frame lengths and overall maintains similar performance with

ST-SC systems. A further investigation of these codes with channel estimation errors

is also provided. / Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2005.
Date January 2005
CreatorsPillai, Jayesh Narayana.
ContributorsMneney, Stanley H.
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish

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