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Prevalence and characteristics of adolescent HIV/AIDS cases seen at the wellness clinic of Bernice Samuel Hospital in Delmas, Mpumalanga (2009)

Thesis (Family Medicine)) -- University of Limpopo, 2010. / Background. The study was aimed at showing the prevalence, clinical and demographic characteristics of HIV positive adolescents attending the Wellness clinic of the Bernice Samuel Hospital in Delmas.

Design. The study was a retrospective, cross-sectional study.

Methods. A non-probability sampling (criterion sampling) was used. All patients between the ages of 11 years to 19 years who are registered at the Wellness clinic of Bernice Samuel
Hospital in Delmas for the period 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009 were taken. The variables studied included Prevalence, Demographic variables (gender, age group, population group, marital and employment status as well as Proximity to ART site) and Clinical variables(Viralload at presentation, CD4 count, Hemoglobin, associated sexually transmitted disease, associated health problems pre and post HAART, antiretroviral regimen, WHO

Results. The study showed a great disparity between the total number of adolescents picked up by VCT in the community and those registered for follow up care at the Hospital's Wellness clinic (Clinic prevalence 2.3% versus community prevalence 3.8%). Most of the patients were females, evenly distributed in early and late adolescence, were scholars
presenting at an advanced stage of the disease despite an easy access to health care. Common health problems encountered in these patients were oral Candidiasis, malnutrition, pneumonia, and diarrheal illness. The commonest adverse reactions to HAAR T were gastrointestinal symptoms and hepatotoxicity. Retention on the ARV treatment program was good but there was an unacceptable delay in initiating HAART. Death was the commonest cause of loss to follow up.

Conclusion. Adolescent HIV / AIDS remains a problem in the Delmas municipality even though prevalence appears to be low. The cause of late presentation in the wellness clinic despite good access will need to be investigated and rectified.
Date January 2010
CreatorsOladejo, Olatayo Wasiu
ContributorsNdimande, J. V.
PublisherUniversity of Limpopo (Medunsa Campus)
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RelationAdobe Acrobat Reader, version 6.0

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