Opportunity recognition levels among IT entrepreneurs in South Africa.

Thesis (M.M. (Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, Graduate School of Business Administration, 2013. / The following study seeks to find out the importance of opportunity recognition
and look at three factors which affect opportunity recognition. These factors
lead to opportunity recognition. The three factors are alertness, prior knowledge
and active search of opportunities. The study is conducted in the South African
context and will focus on entrepreneurs operating in this environment. The
study overall sets to address the problem of entrepreneur orientation in South
Africa (GEM Report, 2009) by looking at an increase in opportunity recognition
as a means of increasing entrepreneurial activity in the economy. The review of
literature of various articles on all the four variables was conducted and showed
the importance and of studies of this kind. The literature also reviewed studies
which were done which are like this study and the results of that study where be
compared to the results of this study.
The study is a purely quantitative study and made use of an online survey
questionnaire to collect the data. The responses of the data where then run through
various tests including regression, reliability and validity test. The study found that
opportunity recognition is essential for the individual and business to lead to growth
and new opportunities. The alertness, knowledge and search variables where
measured and analysed against opportunity recognition. The results revealed that
these variables are connected to opportunity recognition, with weak support in some
tests. The descriptive statistics showed high agreement with the questions. The
responses of the questions also revealed the demographic information of the
entrepreneurs and their ventures on the South African environment. The dependent
and independent variables are interconnected with a causal relationship which is to
be expected.

Date16 January 2014
CreatorsGunda, Miriam S.
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish

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