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Validation of the USNTPS simulator for the advanced flight controls design exercise

This thesis explores the fidelity of the ground based simulator used at USNTPS during the Advanced Flight Controls Design exercise. A Simulink model is developed as a test platform and used to compare the longitudinal flight characteristics of the simulator. The model is also compared to the same characteristics of a Learjet in the approach configuration. The Simulink model is modified with the aim of yielding a better training aid for the students as well as providing a means of comparison between the simulator flight data and the actual Learjet flight data. Open loop and closed loop trials are completed to gather data for analysis and improvement of the Simulink model. Regression analysis is also performed on the flight data as a means of comparing the longitudinal stability coefficients.
Date12 1900
CreatorsJurta, Daniel S.
ContributorsKaminer, Isaac, Rhoades, Mark, Naval Postgraduate School (U.S.)., Department of Mechanical and Astronautical Engineering
PublisherMonterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School
Source SetsNaval Postgraduate School
Detected LanguageEnglish
Formatxiv, 57 p. : ill. ;, application/pdf
RightsApproved for public release, distribution unlimited

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