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Generalized impedance converter (GIC) filter utilizing composite amplifier

In this research, a continuous analog generalized impedance converter (GIC) 4th order band pass filter is investigated in detail. Various classroom software aids such as MATLAB, P-SPICE and MAPLE are utilized to simulate varies circuit parameter changes in ideal and non-ideal GIC filter, such as network sensitivity, effects of resistor value, capactor value and reduction of gain bandwidth product (GBWP), on the center frequency and Q factor. All simulated results are used to evaluate the actual circuit implementation prior to future GIC filter chip fabrication. A composite operational amplifier utilizing the BiCMOS standard operational amplifier that was designed and introduced in a previous thesis is presented and its improved performance is investigated. The composite amplifier (C20A2) is designed using Silvaco EXPERT and simulated with Silvaco SmartSpice. The results show the gain bandwidth product (GBWP), common mode rejection ratio (CMRR), and open loop gain are considerably improved. This sets the basic foundation for future students to incorporate the newly designed composite operational amplifier into the GIC filter to further enhance filter performance.
Date09 1900
CreatorsCheong, Heng Wan.
ContributorsMichael, Sherif, Fouts, Douglas, Naval Postgraduate School (U.S.)., Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
PublisherMonterey California. Naval Postgraduate School
Source SetsNaval Postgraduate School
Detected LanguageEnglish
Formatxviii, 117 p. : col. ill. ;, application/pdf
RightsApproved for public release, distribution unlimited

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