Stanovení hodnoty firmy Continental Teves Czech Republic, s. r. o. / Valuation of the company Continental Teves Czech Republic, Ltd

There are many moments in a company life, where we need to find out the firm's value from different reasons. It is possible to proceed by several methods. Firstly, I deal in theory with the valuation procedure of the firm and with selected methods of firm valuation. I apply the depicted theoretical apparat in the next part of this thesis. I assess the value of the firm Continental Teves Czech Republic, Ltd on the date of 16th of December 2009 according to the methods of which application, based on completed situation and financial analyses, indicated to be the best one. The chosen method has to correspond to the aim of valuation. The aim of this thesis is valuation of the equity. The revenue method of discounted cash flow to the equity was chosen for this purpose. I also valuate the firm according to the method of book value so that I can decide whether the methods are appropriate or not. The result of my work is partly the factual valuation of the firm, partly the determination of advantages and disadvantages of the both methods and the appointment, which one to use in specific situation.
Date January 2008
CreatorsHolý, Pavel
ContributorsDoláková, Helena, Scholleová, Hana
PublisherVysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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