Postavení Portálu ČT24 na českém trhu zpravodajských webů a možnosti jeho dalšího rozvoje / Portál ČT24 positionning in the market of news webs in the Czech republic

This thesis compares news web Portál ČT24 to the market leader Key part of the work is comparison of the agenda of the both news webs. The agenda itself can be considered as the main product attiring the readers. Furthermore, author identifies the aspects bringing the market leader its position and enabling the most readers of all news webs available in the Czech republic. Author also analyses news web image its the basic features and the brand used for promotion of both webs. Financial analyse of Portál ČT24 has also been made to stress out financial aspect as limiting factor of the news web development. Another part of the thesis also consists from survey executed on Portál ČT24 and readers. All the aspects mentioned above enter into the final set of recommendations for Portál ČT24. Its bullet points are maintaining of the current strenghts of Portál ČT24 (e.g. goodwill and brand positioning) as well as the wide range and quality of the news offered. Apart from this, author suggests fosterin promotion and specific changes in it. Those would include also management, particularly in the field of cooperation with other departements of the Czech Television. Cooperation should be simplified by introducing project management methods. Creating business plan in terms of Portál ČT24 development would lead to improvement of communication with the Czech Television management.
Date January 2008
CreatorsVejvodová, Alžběta
ContributorsLhotáková, Markéta, Strašíková, Lucie
PublisherVysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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