Vývoj tradiční korejské hudby se zaměřením na strunné nástroje / Development of traditional korean music with focus on string instruments


Kim, S. Development of traditional korean music with focus on string instruments,
Prague, 2014 Diploma thesis. Academy of performing arts in Prague.
Music faculty

The goal of this thesis is to describe development of korean music since 220 B. C. up to the present. I focused on musical styles and musical instruments in the course of korean history. I applied my mind to string instruments, what are detaily described in fourth part of this thesis. This thesis also includes characteristic and changes of single musical styles. Furthermore this thesis includes historical conjuctions and clarifies the way, how king's dynasty influenced korean music developmnent. Results of this thesis present clear musical progression overview of traditional korean music from origins to classical music era.

Date January 2014
CreatorsKim, Sang-A
ContributorsŠTRAUS, Ivan, MATOUŠEK, Bohuslav
PublisherAkademie múzických umění v Praze.Hudební a taneční fakulta. Knihovna
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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