Zhodnocení růstu a základních ukazatelů jatečné hodnoty jehňat šumavské ovce a jejich kříženců

This dissertation was aimed at evaluation of growth and basic indicators of carcass value of sumavska sheep lambs and its crossbreeds with texel sheep. In all there were 79 lambs monitored of following genotypes; S100, S 50 T 50, S 75 T 25, T 75 S 25. This research was executed at a family farm in town of Proseč. In scope of this evaluation of lamb growth live weight at birth, in 70 days of age, 100 days of age and before slaughter was observed. Investigation was carried in terms of observation (for full monitored file) effect of genotype, gender, litter size, genotype`s interaction vs. gender and genotype`s interaction vs. litter size on growth ability indicators, more precisely on live weight and lambs` daily weight gain. Genotype impact, gender, litter size, genotype`s interaction vs. gender and genotype`s interaction vs. litter size had highly provable influence on most of monitored live weights. With regards to the daily weight gains, highly provable influence of the above mentioned indicators on majority daily weight gains was recorded here also. Results of check slaughter show that genotype had provable influence on most carcass value's monitored indicators. Highly provable genotype effect was recorded on live weight before slaughter, slaughter age, slaughter ready body weight, skin ratio, kidney ratio and flesh ratio. Conclusive impact was recorded on yield and kidney weight. To conclude this from genotype`s perspective, the highest gain was recorded on S 75 T 25 and the lowest gain on T 75 S 25. From carcass value point of view, relatively best results were ascertained for crossbreeds S 50 T 50.

Date January 2014
CreatorsKoutná, Svatava
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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