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Datová kvalita a nástroje pro její řízení / Data Quality And Tools For Its Management

This diploma thesis deals with data quality, with emphasis on issues of management and on tools which were developed for solving data quality issues. The goal of this work is to summarize knowledge about data quality problems which includes its evaluation, management, description of key problems in data and possibilities of their solutions. The aims of this thesis are among others also analysis of market of software tools for support and management of data quality and mainly comparison of functionalities and possibilities of several of those tools. This work is split into two consequential parts. The first theoretical part is focusing on opening to problems of data quality and mainly data quality management, including identification of main steps for successful management. The second practical part is focusing on the market with data quality tools, especially its characteristics, segmentation, evolution, current state and expectable trends. The important section of this part is also practical comparison of features and evaluation of the work with several data quality tools. This work aims to be beneficial for all the audience interested in data quality problems, especially its management and supporting technology. Thanks to focusing on data quality tools market and tools comparison this work could be also useful guide for companies which are currently choosing the proper tool for introducing the data quality. Regarding this work focus the readers are expected to have at least basic orientation in Business Intelligence.
Date January 2009
CreatorsTezzelová, Jana
ContributorsPour, Jan, Polášek, Marek
PublisherVysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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