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Transformace obchodního modelu IT průmyslu směrem k SaaS a její důsledky na roli podnikové informatiky v oblasti Business Intelligence / Transformation of business model IT industry toward SaaS and impacts into role of business informatics in Business Intelligence

The theme of this thesis is one of ways, which develops area of Business Intelligence in the last few years. This way are BI systems design on the principle of Cloud computing, also called BI SaaS. This is a cost available solution also suitable for small companies. This work is aimed to acquaint the reader with basic theoretical knowledge in the areas of Cloud computing, Business Intelligence and their connections. Wants to show risks of this technologies and compare between on-premise and cloud BI. In the next step want to offer a practical comparison of selected BI SaaS systems. Finally it aims to create forecast of possible future paths of development in Business Intelligence.
Date January 2014
CreatorsKűfner, Jiří
ContributorsDonát, Jiří, Žamberský, Martin
PublisherVysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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