Bedřich Smetana - inspirace Shakespearem se zaměřením na skladbu Macbeth a Čarodějnice / Bedřich Smetana- inspired by Shakespeare with focus on the composition Macbeth and the Witches

The master thesis deals with the piano sketch Macbeth and the Witches written by Bedřich Smetana. First of all, the reader is familiarized with the biography of B. Smetana, where the deciding moment for writing this music piece is captured. The inspiration by William Shakespeare is put to a broader context with Smetana's work. The original drama is compared with Smetana's music. The sketch has been revised four times since its creation, in 1912 by Jindřich Káan z Albestů, in 1924 by Roman Veselý, in 1961 by Václav Štěpán and in 1981 by Jan Novotný. The last two revisions were compared in detail and many differences were found in the marking of the tempo, the notation, pedalization, dynamics and fingering, last but not least mistakes were found, so their removal was suggested. In the ending of the thesis, there are recommendations concerning the practising of the piece from my own professional experience.
Date January 2015
CreatorsSuchánková, Eva
ContributorsKRAJNÝ, Boris, KLÁNSKÝ, Ivan
PublisherAkademie múzických umění v Praze.Hudební a taneční fakulta. Knihovna
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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