Návrh implementace prvků procesního managementu v mezinárodní poradenské společnosti / Design of Process Management Elements in the International Consulting Company

The thesis is focused on the identification of service and administrative processes and sub processes inside the chosen company and proposal of their possible separation and outsourcing using the Business Process Management methods. Potential changes should be aimed to release capacity of the monitored team of the company and optimize their processes and related capacity during busy season and also from the long term perspective. The company set the conditions for potential changes by keeping current standards about quality of products and services and keeping current rules for client communication. Additionally company expects decreasing of personal costs related to inquired services.

Date January 2015
CreatorsSvoboda, Jakub
ContributorsŠpetla, Ondřej, Videcká, Zdeňka
PublisherVysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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