Využití dusíku z hnojiv jarním ječmenem a ozimou pšenicí / Nitrogen use from fertilizers applied to spring barley and winter wheat

Nitrogen fertilization is considered to be an important agronomic intervention. Its application to the field must be deliberate and well-timed. Poor management of nitrogen fertilizers can lead to significant losses with economic and environmental consequences. In the long-term field experiment of the Department of agroenvironmental chemistry and plant nutrition will be observed the influence of different organic and mineral fertilizers and the impact of location on the nitrogen balance and nitrogen use of applied fertilizer by spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). For the purpose of the thesis will be evaluated six treatments of fertilization: Control, Sewage sludge, Manure, N, NPK, N + straw. To the crops will be in the three-year cycle applied a single dose of 330 kg N ha-1. After the harvest will be annually determined the content of total nitrogen in plant material and yield of grain and straw. For wheat will be evaluated selected yield and quality parameters. From analyses of plant material will be then calculated indicators of nitrogen utilization of applied fertilizers.

Date January 2015
CreatorsBuráňová, Šárka
ContributorsBalík, Jiří
PublisherČeská zemědělská univerzita v Praze
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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