Analýza cestovního ruchu ve venkovském mikroregionu Moravice a návrh jeho environmentálně šetrného rozvoje / Analysis of tourism in rural region Moravice and proposal of its environmentally friendly development

The thesis is focused on environmentally friendly tourism. Defined area of interest is the country microregion Moravice. The aim of thesis is to map the most interesting tourist destinations and locations of this microregion, analysis of its facilities of tourism services, evaluation of the current opportunities of tourism and determine its strengths and weaknesses of the services provided to visitors. The used methods for data collection include field surveys, analysis of available books, newspapers and Internet sources, questionnaire survey with visitors, residents and councilors and subsequent discussions with them about the problems. Analysis of the defined area due to the issue of tourism is included in the SWOT analysis, which is the basis for the design of specific projects for the future development of tourism in the microregion Moravice.
Date January 2016
CreatorsManderlová, Jana
ContributorsKašparová, Ivana, Hana, Hana
PublisherČeská zemědělská univerzita v Praze
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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