Využití bazální stimulace na JIP / Application Basal Stimulation in Intensive Care Unit

Precis This graduation theses discusses about application of the concept of Basal stimulation in the work of nurses in intensive care. A theoretical part explains the concept of basal stimulation, briefly outlining the history of this concept and describes the different elements. Elements' name are include somatic, vestibular, visual, olfactory, auditory, oral and tactile - haptic stimulation. The work also highlights the importace of biographical history of the client. Research part determines the level of knowledges about basal stimulation between nurses in the ICU (intensit care units) and its use in the ICU at University Hospital in Hradec Králové. Research method is a survey. The questionnaire established author. Keywords: basal stimulation, nest location, location mummy, biographical history, communication.

Date January 2011
CreatorsHornychová, Petra
ContributorsHocková, Jana, Hošťálková, Monika
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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