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Programová diverzita českých celoplošných televizí v letech 1998-2006 / Programme Diversity in Czech Televisions between 1998 and 2006

The present thesis entitled "Programme Diversity of Czech Nationwide Television Channels in the Years 1998 - 2006" focuses on the normative requirement of the society regarding the diversity of mass media, and the approach of mass media thereto: we distinguish between media diversity introduced in the market media model and the diversity presented as part of the public sphere media model. Furthermore, this thesis attempts to search for and determine the requirements regarding media diversity as laid down in the applicable legislation of the Czech Republic or the European Union. The research part of the thesis deals with one of the many levels of diversity in the mass media environment, particularly the diversity of television programme types, i.e. television genres accepted by the interest groups: academics, broadcasters or audiences etc. The present analysis includes nationwide TV stations providing analogue broadcasting via terrestrial transmitters in the years 1998 to 2006, focusing on majority audience - Czech TV1, Prima TV and TV Nova. By means of the Relative Entropy Index and the Deviation Index the diversity of the offered programme types is examined both on the vertical level (a single selected TV station) and on the horizontal level (across the monitored TV stations). The application of...
Date January 2011
CreatorsČihák, Marek
ContributorsTrampota, Tomáš, Kruml, Milan
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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