Problémy spojené se vstupem informačních technologií do výchovy a vzdělávání / Problems related with input of information technology into education

The subject of this dissertation is area of information and communication technology for social, communicative and cognitive ability of learners and subsequent negative consequences in the process of education. The aim is to identify and analyze problems in the field of education and their connection with the use of information and communication technologies. The thesis involves information from research, which is focused on effects of Information and communication technology on children's psyche and the negative impacts this action in education at the elementary school. To meet the objectives of this dissertation were used theoretical and empirical research methods. The content of theoretical research methods was the study and analysis of literature, articles and especially analysis of scientific literature professionally primary information sources of research studies and experiments. In the field of empirical research methods were used in the thesis questionnaire survey in the realm of community teachers. The conclusion contains the results of exploratory research methods, conclusions and recommended proposals for the area of education and teaching practice.
Date January 2015
CreatorsPetráň, Luděk
ContributorsRambousek, Vladimír, Brdička, Bořivoj
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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