Genderové a (pro)ženské NNO v České republice - reflexe proměny tematického portfolia od vstupu do Evropské unie / Gender equality and (pro)women NGOs in the Czech republic - reflection of the thematic portfolio trasformation from the EU accession.

Non-governmental non-profit organisations (NGOs) constitute an important actor and partner in implementing gender equality and formulating gender-related public policies. Their functioning and thematic portfolios are for the most part influenced by existing possibilities for funding, which have been significantly transformed by the Czech Republic joining the European Union. This research project aims to determine how EU frameworks established in the area of gender-related policies and financial resources derived from them have been influencing the thematic portfolios of gender- focused NGOs in the Czech Republic. It is divided into two sections. First, it discusses the theoretical basis of the research, introducing the problematics, identifying main gender-focused themes and embedding them within the EU agenda while defining aspects of their practical implementation through mechanisms of the structural politics of the EU. Further, the research paper concentrates on describing the means through which gender-related topics have been treated on the national level, how they are being defined and how the EU setting is being translated into the national context through the offered funding opportunities. The empirical part analyses information data provided by participating NGOs and consists of interviews...
Date January 2016
CreatorsChocholatá, Lucie
ContributorsPavlík, Petr, Šprincová, Veronika
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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