Pracovní doba, její délka a rozložení / Working hours, their duration and work schedule

Working hours, their duration and work schedule Abstract The diploma thesis deals with the topic of working hours and related institutes in Czech labor law in order to provide a comprehensive overview of the valid legal regulation. In addition, the work deals with the issues of breaks and rest periods, which are inseparably related to working hours. The thesis is divided into six chapters, which are subdivided into subchapters. The first chapter contains a historical excursion into the history of working hours regulation in the Czech lands from the Middle Ages to the present. I also mention the valid legal regulation of working hours at international and national level. The second chapter defines the concept of working hours, followed by a detailed description of each of the related institutes - its length, scheduling of work, work overtime, night work, on-call duty and working hours register. The following chapters discuss the organization of working hours for employees who look after children or other natural persons, pedagogical workers, workers in transportation and employees working under agreements to work outside the scope of employment. For these employees, there are some deviations from the general legal regulation of working hours or special conditions, as I refer here. The last chapter deals with...
Date January 2018
CreatorsHalušková, Martina
ContributorsŠtefko, Martin, Lang, Roman
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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