Návrh územního plánu pro obec Radešín / Design of district structure plan Radešín

Town and country planning is an activity which is trying to find and create the most suitable conditions for the use and spatial arrangement of the territory based on comprehensive knowledge of various disciplines and therefore we rank it among multidisciplinary disciplines. The result of efforts is to ensure the sustainable development of the territory which is frequently highlighted in connection with town and country planning. The diploma thesis solves the issue of town and country planning from the point of view of the Act on town and country planning and building code with focusing on its tools. One of the tools of town and country planning is the subject of the main part of the diploma thesis which deals with the specific design of the local zoning plan of the village Radešín.

Date January 2020
CreatorsMoučka, Michal
ContributorsVšetečka, Martin, Matuszková, Radka
PublisherVysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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