Připravenost učitelů na inkluzivní vzdělávání - přístup k žákům s dysortografií / Readiness of teachers for inclusive education - access to pupils with dysortohraphy

The diploma thesis deals with the readiness of teachers for inclusive education at primary schools and mainly focuses on the issues of approaching pupils with dysortography. The theoretical part summarizes the results of research focused on teachers' attitudes to inclusion, their needs in this area and perception of readiness to work in a heterogeneous class. Furthermore, the thesis contains the importance of inclusion and its definition, various types of views on inclusion, levels of inclusive education and legislative measures. In the next part the thesis concentrates on the difference between social exclusion and inclusion, deals with the issues of the support of pupils with special educational needs and defines approaches of individual groups towards the educational process. It also focuses on inclusion in primary school and competences of the inclusive teacher and last but not least on different specifics of pupils with specific learning disabilities, namely pupils with dysortography. The empirical part is focused on the approaches of teachers to pupils with dysortography. The main research method is a quantitative questionnaire for teachers teaching pupils with dysortography and as a complementary research method there is a qualitative semi- structured interviews with teachers to analyze the...

Date January 2020
CreatorsHýsková, Karolína
ContributorsStará, Jana, Uhlířová, Jana
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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