Návrh nových laboratorních úloh pro výuku principů komunikačních protokolů / Creation of new laboratory exercises explaining the principles of communication protocols

The aim of this master thesis is to create two laboratory exercises in ns-3 network simulator for chosen communication protocols. The chosen protocols are BGP and ICMPv6. The first part of this thesis contains teoretical knowledge used in order to design laboratory exercise. It contains descriptions of funcionality of both protocols and messages they use. This chapter also includes brief description of three options which were considered for implementation of BGP protocol into ns-3 enviroment. The second chapter consists of actual laboratory exercises which were created as a purpose of this thesis. Exercise for BGP protocol deals with creating neighborhoods between routers at autonomous system level, analyzing the way routers communicate within their neighborhoods and how protocol reacts when the connection between two neighbor routers fails. Exercise created for ICMPv6 protocol is focused on its messages and their usage within multiple protocol funcionalities, such as address configuration, link address resolution and error detection.

Date January 2021
CreatorsBabjarčiková, Lenka
ContributorsJeřábek, Jan, Langhammer, Lukáš
PublisherVysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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