Vliv vyšší nadmořské výšky na úspěšnost střelby v biatlonu / The influence of high altitude on shooting efficiency of biathletes.

The main purpose was describe the issue of shooting success rate at high altitude (1 500 - 3 000m a. s. l.). Shooting success rate of elite racers was evaluated using analysation of results from individual races at high altitude in the period 1990/1991 - 2013/2014. High altitude had no statistical effect (p<0,05) on shooting success rate of women and men biathletes in the comparision with lowland but it had more negative effect to women shooting success rate than men shooting success rate. Ten national level biathletes were tested in three tests in lowland, four tests at high altitude and five tests in lowland after the return from high altitude. The test included rest shooting in the prone and standing positions and load shooting in both positions which took part of three kilometers running. Twelve days training camp at high altitude did not improve shooting success rate, shooting velocity and running time in the determinated heart rate. Rest shooting and shooting in the prone position did not change statistically during the whole testing period. At high altitude critical days were registered in load shooting in standing position (6th day, p<0,05) and average running time (9th day, p<0,05). Rifle manipulation and shooting are automate motions which are not influenced by high altitude. Most...

Date January 2015
CreatorsBoudíková, Adéla
ContributorsDovalil, Josef, Pupiš, Martin, Ondráček, Jan
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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