Speciální pomůcky pro děti postižené specifickou poruchou učení - dyslexií / Special aids for children afflicted with specific disorder of learning - dyslexia

The thesis is divided into two parts. Theoretic part deals with problems specific disorders of learning, especially dyslexia. The smaller place is devoted to questions of dysgrafia and dysortografia. In this part the authoress incloses individual notions, characterizes manifestations specific disorders of learning, outlines theirs etiology, diagnostics and resulting reeducation. Practical part of thesis is specialized on special aids for young learners afflicted with specific disorders of learning. Authoress maked working leaves, which process subject matter of Czech language in 8ht year elementary school, especially formative phenomena, which young learners have biggest difficulties with. Near every aid are introduced methodical directions for its exercise in lessons of Czech language.

Date January 2008
CreatorsBUKAČOVÁ, Lenka
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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