Sluchová učebnice španělštiny pro děti postižené specifickou poruchou učení - dyslexií / Audio textbook of Spanish for children afflicted with specific learning disability{--} with dyslexia

This work dedicates to education of foreign languages of children afflicted with specific learning disability, with dyslexia. Theoretic part is occupied by specific learning disability, above all by its reasons, tokens, diagnostic and reeducation. The second part can be used as a help in education of Spanish of children afflicted with specific learning disability, with dyslexia. It is audio textbook of Spanish which contains also CD that serves as a audio help for reading texts and for learning and explaining of new grammar.
Date January 2008
CreatorsLACINOVÁ, Lenka
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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